distinctions among?  Why not "distinctions between"?

        Preposition use in English is highly idiomatic, which is to say, not easily explained.  One way to understand prepositions is that they tend to be used metaphorically or spatially.  The usage "founded upon" is an architectural metaphor, imagining an idea or other abstraction resting like a house upon its foundation.  The same metaphorical explanation can help you untangle the equally legal but differently meanings of "founded in" or "founded on" or "founded by") If it is founded "on" or "in" the metaphor is chronological ("Goucher College was founded in 1884," or "on May 1, 1884"), but it also can be a metaphor of location ("Goucher College was founded in Baltimore but moved to Towson in 1948").  If it is founded "by," the metaphor refers to an organization or human being who made it ("founded by John Franklin Goucher" or "by the Communist Party" or "by fans of Echo and the Bunnymen").