Malory's "Explicits": Indicators of the "Eight Books" According to Eugene Vinaver
Here endyth this tale as the Freynshe booke seyth fro the maryage of kynge Uther unto Kyng Arthure that regned aftir hym and ded many batayles. And this booke endyth whereas sir Launcelot and sir Trystrams com to courte. Who that woll make ony more lette hym seke other bookis of kynge Arthure or of sir Launcelot or sir Trystrams for this was drawyn by a knyght presoner sir Thomas Malleorre that God sende hym good recover. Amen. Explicit. (70v/180)
Here endyth the tale of the noble kynge Arthure that was emperoure hymself thorow dygnyte of his hondys. And here folowyth afftyr many noble talys of sir Launcelot de Lake. Explicit the noble tale betwyxt kynge Arthure and Lucius the emperour of Rome. (96r/247)
Explicit a noble tale of sir Launcelot du Lake. (113r/287)
And I pray all you that redyth this tale to pray for hym that this wrote that God sende hym good delyveraunce sone and hastely. Amen. Here endyth the tale of sir Gareth of Orkeney. (148r/363)
Here endyth the secunde boke off syr Tystram de Lyones whyche drawyn was oute of Frenyshe by sir Thomas Malleorre knyght as Jesu be hys helpe. Amen. But here ys no rehersall of the thirde booke. But here folowyth the noble tale off the Sankegreall whyche called ys the holy vessell and the sygnyfycacion of blyssed bloode off oure lorde Jesu Cryste whyche was brought into thys londe by Joseph off Aramathye. Therefore on all synfull blyssed lord have on thy knyght mercy. Amen. (246v/845-6).
Thus endith the tale of the Sankgreal that was brefly drawy[n] oute of Frenynshe which ys a tale cronycled for one of the trewyst and of the holyest that ys in thys worlde by sir Thomas Maleorre knyght. O blesse Jesu helpe hym thorow hys myght. Amen. (409r/1037).
And bycause I have loste the very mater of Shevalere de Charyot I departe from the tale of sir Launcelot and here I go unto the morte Arthur and that caused sir Aggravayne. And here on the othir syde folowyth the moste pyteuous tale of the morte Arthure saunz Gwerdon par le shyvalere sir Thomas Malleorre knyght. Jesu ayde ly pur voutre bone mercy. Amen. (449r/1153)
Here is the ende of the hoole book of kyng Arthur and of his noble knyghtes of the rounde table that whan they were hole togyders there was ever an hondred and forty. And here is the end of the deth of Arthur. I pray you all jentylmen and jentylwymmen that redeth this book of Arthur and his knyghtes from the begynnyng to the endynge praye for me whyle I am on lyve that God sende me good delyveraunce. And whan I am deed I praye you all praye for my soule. For this book was ended the xi yere of the reygne of kyng Edward the Fourth by sir Thomas Maleore knyght as Jesu helpe hym for hys grete myght as he is the servaunt of Jesu both day and nyght. (1260)