Parts of Typical Peer-Reviewed, Printed, Scholarly Press Books
Forward: author explains how the book came about, including problems solved, and thanking persons who assisted in complex ways and sources of research funding.
Preface: author explains the scope, method, and evidence sources of the book, its relationship to previous scholars' work, and its contribution to the current debate about the topic.
Introduction Chapter: author sets out the main argument of the book, sometimes chapter-by-chapter in a prose outline, explaining the significance of each step in the argument relating to previous work, especially competing interpretations of the evidence.
Body Chapters: author develops the evidence and interprets it to support the introduction chapter's assertions, and to illustrate their significance.
Conclusion Chapter: author summarizes the thesis, and develops consequences of the thesis for previous, current, and future research, drawing connections between the thesis/evidence/method and contemporary or future trends in research.
Appendix (optional in Humanities, nearly required in Social and Natural Sciences): author presents raw evidence (texts) or tables or graphs of evidence referred to in the body chapters.
Bibliography or Works Cited (if not U.Chicago): alphabetized bibliography of all sources used or cited in creation of the book, sometimes divided into "Primary Sources" and "Secondary Sources," and if especially large, divided by other topic or disciplinary categories (e.g., "Historical Sources," "Sociological Sources," etc.).
Index: an alphabetized list of all proper nouns and major subject verbs and nouns that are mentioned in the book, together with a list of page numbers where each noun or verb is mentioned.