Two Courtiers Seeking Literary Patronage from a Famous Nobleman in the Same Year (1579)
Schoole of Abuse,
Conteining a plesaunt inuective
against Poets, Pipers,
Plaiers, Iesters and such like
Caterpillers of a commonwealth;
Setting vp the Flagge of Defiance to their
mischieuous exercise, and ouerthrowing
their Bulwarkes, by Prophane
Writers, Naturall reason, and
common experience: A
discourse as pleasaunt for
Gentlemen that fauour learning, as
profitable for all that wyll
follow vertue. By
Stephen Gosson. Stud. Oxon.
Tuscul. I.
Mandare literis cogitationes, nec delectatione aliqua
allicere Lectorem, hominis est intemperanter
abutentis, et otio, et literis.
Printed at London, for Thomas
VVoodcocke, 1579.
¶To the right noble
Gentleman, Master Philip Sidney
Esquier, Stephen Gosson wisheth health of
body, wealth of minde, rewarde of
vertue, aduancement of honour, and
goood successe in godly affairs. |
T H E Shepheardes Calender Conteyning tvvelue Æglogues proportionable Entitled ++++ AT LONDON. |
Cicero, Tusculan Disputations I, (my rough translation): Someone who entrusts his thoughts to letters [but] can neither arrange nor illuminate them nor entice any readers to enjoy them is intemperately wasting his leisure and his literacy.