English 211 Final Exam Fall Instructions
General Instructions:
First, read the instructions to Sections I, II, and III, and plan your time
well. Section I (identification) is
worth 30 points (2 for each of 15), Section
II (description of content and form, and explication of importance) is
worth 40 points (8 for each of 5), and
Section III (1 essay) is worth 30 points.
Section I:
Identify the author and
title (or genre if no title)
15 out of these 32
passages we read after midterm. Their order is not chronological; all
proper nouns are replaced by eight spaces. Some authors are represented by
more than one passage.
Bracketed ellipsis [ . . . ] means the passage is an excerpt.
[30 points @ 2 points each]
Section II:
Choose five
(5) of the passages you have
identified in Section I and analyze them..
In the course of your analysis,
identify the "speaker" (implied narrator or lyric voice) if any, the
"spoken to" (implied audience) if
any, and any important things or actions mentioned in the
selection, filling in any blank lines with names which were omitted.
If it is poetry,
identify the rhyme scheme
(if any) and its meter (at least
the number of feet per line), or if it
is prose, identify its genre
(fiction, essay, biography, etc.).
Then explain briefly the
significance of the passage, its
relationship to the rest of the work if it’s an excerpt, and its relationship to
other works or issues in English literature.
Write in words and phrases, rather than full sentences.
Address specific parts of the passage in question rather than reciting
memorized generalizations about the entire work in general.
[40 points @ 8 points each]
Section III.
Referring to relevant passages from Section I when possible, write a
coherent essay on one of the following topics.
In each case, your answer must
consider works from both halves
of the semester. Please
remember to indicate which essay topic you've chosen.
[30 points]