English 211

Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, "Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale"

1) WHAT, "though noon auctoritee / Were in this world, is ryght ynough for [the Wife of Bath] / To speke of wo that is in mariage..."? That is, other Medieval speakers rely on the opinions of ancient and famous thinkers ("auctoritee") to prove their arguments, but even if there were no such ancient and famous thinkers, she needs only to draw upon what? (one word)

2) Name one of the two pilgrims who interupt the WoB's Prologue.

3) How does the Wife of Bath express her criticisms of her fifth husband's (Jankyn's) book, and what are the long-run consequences of that critique?

4) The knight in WoB's tale has committed a crime. What is it, and what is his punishment?

5) Who saves the knight's life and what does the knight's savior demand in reward?

Extra Credit: the knight and his savior quarrel over the meaning of a word--what is it (spelled as closely as you can) and what do they each say it means?

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