Un-Quiz Poems: Are these Sonnets?; Are they by Spenser?; What Other Authors Has their Author Read?
LONG-WHILE I sought to what I might compare
those powrefull eies, which lighten
my dark spright,
yet find I nought on earth to which
I dare
resemble th' ymage of their goodly
Not to the Sun: for they doo shine by night;
nor to the Moone: for they are
changed neuer;
nor to the Starres: for they haue
purer sight;
nor to the fire: for they consume
not euer;
Nor to the lightning: for they still perseuer;
nor to the Diamond: for they are
more tender;
nor vnto Christall: for nought may
them seuer;
nor vnto glasse: such basenesse
mought offend her;
Then to the Maker selfe they likest be,
whose light doth lighten all that
here we see.
YE tradefull Merchants that with weary
do seeke most pretious things to
make your gain:
and both the Indias of their
treasures spoile,
what needeth you to seeke so farre
in vaine?
For loe my loue doth in her selfe containe
all this worlds riches that may
farre be found;
if Saphyres, loe her eies be
Saphyres plaine,
if Rubies, loe hir lips be Rubies
If Pearles, hir teeth be pearles both pure and round;
if Yuorie, her forhead yuory weene;
if Gold, her locks are finest gold
on ground;
if siluer, her faire hands are
siluer sheene,
But that which fairest is, but few behold,
her mind adornd with vertues
FAIRE proud now tell me, why should faire
be proud,
sith all worlds glorie is but drosse vncleane:
and in the shade of death it selfe shall shroud,
how euer now thereof ye little weene.
That goodly Idoll, now so gay beseene,
shall doffe her fleshes borowd fayre attyre:
and be forgot as it had neuer beene,
that many now much worship and admire.
Ne any then shall after it inquire,
ne any mention shall thereof remaine:
but what this verse, that neuer shall expyre,
shall to you purchas with her thankles paine.
Faire be no lenger proud of that shall perish,
but that which shal you make immortall, cherish.