The Wanderer  (Exeter Book ff. 76b-78a)

Oft him anhaga     are gebideš

metudes miltse,      žeah že he modcaerig

geond lagulade      longe sceode

hreran mid hondum      hrimcaelde sę,

wadan wręclastas.      Wyrd bięš ful aręd!


(My adaptation of E.T. Donaldson's prose translation to hold the original's embedding of phrases and stark usage: "Often, the solitary one lives to find favor, mildness of the Lord, even though he, troubled in heart, through the ocean passage long has had to stir, with his hands, the frost-cold sea, to travel the path of exile.  His fate is completely fixed.")

Note: The noun root of "wręclastas" or path of exile, is "wręce," source of the Mod.E. "wretch" and "wretched,"hence   literally, exiled.

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