Margery Kempe, an Illiterate Author, "Sees" Her
Name Written in a Dream (ca. 1435-40)
On a tyme, as the sayd creatur was
knelyng beforn an awter of the cros and seying
on an oryson, hir eyne wer evyr
togedirward as thow sche schulde a slept. And at the last
sche myth not chesyn; sche fel
in a lityl slomeryng, and anon aperyd verily to hir
syght an awngel al clothyd in
white as mech as it had ben a lityl childe beryng an
howge boke beforn hym. Than
seyd the creatur to the childe, er ellys to the awngel,
" sche seyd, "This is the boke
of lyfe." And sche saw in the boke the Trinité and al
in gold. Than seyd sche to the
childe, "Wher is my name?" The childe answeryd and
seyd, "Her is thi name at the
Trinyté foot wretyn," and therwyth he was ago, sche wist
not how.
The Book of Margery Kempe, ed. Lynn Staley Johnson (Kalamazoo, MI:
Medieval Institute Press, 1996) Book I, Part II, 85. Available online at: