Week 2's Class

        First, let's explore free-writing and some practice tutoring based on what you read, especially Gilmartin's version.

1)  Free-write for five (5) minutes.  Then pair up with a partner and tutor each other for ten (10) minutes on how to get the best out of the free-writing you each just created.  Pay attention to what you focus on, how you help each other, etc.

2)  Free-write again for another five (5) minutes.  Read what you wrote, underscoring what seem to be the most important issues, and let's talk about what happened.  What did your tutoring session pay attention to?  How did it affect your second writing effort?  What new ideas did you discover by writing, talking, and writing again?

3)  Did you draw a dinosaur?  If not, did you or were you tempted to draw anything else?


Graves and Experimental Design--

What was good about what he did?  What would we want other researchers to keep from his methods and approach to the task of studying the composing process?

What would you do differently if you were researching 7-year-old children's composing processes and why?  What guides your choice of things to change and how to change them?  Intuition?  Other things you have done or read?  Especially if you were studying 18-22-year-old writers at Goucher, how might your methods change?

---------------------Before we leave----------------------

What topics have you discovered that you might research using your first annotated bibliography entry which is due next week?

Writing Due Next Week: to the "Cognitive Process Theory of Composing..." and Brand's critique of it; GoucherLearn course's "Weekly Reading Responses" discussion forum, response to readings and first annotated bibliography entry to the to the "Cognitive Process Theory of Composing..." and Brand; and your first posting to the GoucherLearn course's "Annotated Bibliographies" discussion forum.  See the "What Makes a Bibliographic Annotation Useful" page or talk to me for advice about how to structure your annotation.