Who We Were in 2009

        If you have declared a major since I created this list, please let me know so that I can update it.  If you go by a nickname, tell me so that we can get it into parentheses beside the one which the computer recognizes.  Thanks!

David Adams, English (2010)

Mollie Carlin, History / Secondary Education (2011)

Elise Cowin, Dance (2012)

Lisa (Lily) Dodge, Undeclared (2012)

Carrie Finkelstein, English (2010)

David Ford, English (2011)

Alayna Giovannitti, English (2011)

Michael Gutgsell, English (2011)

Mahria Hinzman, English / Psychology (2010)

Camden Kimura, Undeclared (2012)

Peter Krause, Undeclared (2012)

Laurel Long, Undeclared (2012)

Carlyn Mueller, Undeclared (2012)

Sarah Ropp, Spanish (2011)

Arnie Sanders, English (never or until I retire)

Helena Touhey, Political Science (2010)