Aeneas Escaping from Troy: Greek Black-Figure Vases

Aeneas (Possibly Led by Hermes) Carrying Anchises: Iconographic State One (Greek Black-Figure Vase, C5 BCE)

Aeneas (Possibly Led by Hermes) Carrying Anchises, Followed by Creusa: Iconographic State Two (Late Greek/Alexandrian Vase, C4-2 BCE?)

Aeneas, Carrying Anchises, Walking with Ascanius and Followed by Creusa: Iconographic State Three (Getty Villa Vase, C6-5 BCE)

Aeneas, Led by Hermes, Carrying Anchises Who Carries the Household Gods, Walking with Ascanius, Followed by Creusa: Iconographic State Four (Capitaline "Tabula Italica," after C3 BCE?)

Click here to see a digital image of an enhanced print engraving of the whole "Tabula Italica."