Some Bibliographic Sources for Reading Chaucer’s Troilus Book 2: 1-1092


Literate Trojans, Women Reading (Men Writing), Life in Wartime—

Criseyde’s “court” listens to a woman reading from the “romaunce . . . of Thebes” (II: 100).

'BITRAISED THORUGH FALSE FOLK': CRISEYDE, THE SIEGE, AND THE THREAT OF TREASON. By: Martin, Carl Grey. Chaucer Review, 2003, Vol. 37 Issue 3, p219, 15p; Abstract: Discusses the pragmatism of Criseyde in Geoffrey Chaucer's poem 'Troilus and Criseyde.' Allusion to the fall of a legendary city such as Troy or Thebes; Symbol for the threat of treason that comes with siege warfare; Invalidation of the object of allegiance; Criseyde's location of an ideal of loyalty.


 Rhetoric and Persuasion vs. “trouthe”: Criseyde’s suspicion of Pandarus’ “paynted proces” (II: 424).

See Steven Barney in Chaucer Review 16 (1981) 18-37 on “proces” as a rhetorical term.

Meaning and Ending in a 'Paynted Proces': Resistance to Closure in Troilus and Criseyde By: McGeer, Rosemarie P.; pp. 179-98 IN: Shoaf, R. A. (ed.); Cox, Catherine S. (ed.); Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde: 'Subgit to alle Poesye': Essays in Criticism. Binghamton, NY: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies xviii, 270 pp.  826.2 C49HtSsh 


Singing Women and the Love Debate—Antigone’s song (II: 827-75).


ANTIGONE'S SONG AS "MIROUR" IN CHAUCER'S TROILUS AND CRISEYDE. By: Borthwick, Mary Charlotte. Modern Language Quarterly, Sep61, Vol. 22 Issue 3, p227, 9p.  Argues that the song answers Criseyde’s arguments against loving Troilus.


Dreaming Women: psychological realism in a medieval text—Criseyde’s “eagle-heart” dream (II: 925-31).


CRISEYDE'S DREAM OF THE EAGLE: LOVE AND WAR IN TROILUS AND CRISEYDE. By: Gallagher, Joseph E.. Modern Language Quarterly, Jun75, Vol. 36 Issue 2, p115, 18p