Descriptive Bibliography Basic Requirements for Cadaver Book Desbib (and a few nice added options [viz. "extra credit"])

1)  Short title [i.e., what is the book in the shortest description?]

2)  Title page transcription, colophon transcription or copyright page (if it has a colophon [very early books] or copyright page [modern books])

3)  Imposition format (e.g., 2o, 4o, 8vo, 12mo, 16mo, etc.), collation of binding signatures (e.g., A-Z4, AA-BB4), and pagination or foliation (e.g., [3], 1-122, [4] pages; or [12], 1-254 leaves).

4)  Contents [signatures, foliation, or pagination followed by main section titles if present]

5)  Paper and type [watermark description(s), type font style (e.g., Roman, Italic, Gothic) and size by x-height) and ink colors [N.B., W&A list a lot more description of type and paper but that would be uncommon unless you were describing a very valuabke copy of a very rare book whose surviving copies differed from one another in many ways]

6)  Binding (and dustjacket if present in modern rare editions) [N.B., this is copy-specific and used only in rare book libraries but you should know how to describe bindings]

7)  History of edition's printing and publication [See ESTC or bibliographic scholarship via JSTOR--you're into extra credit territory if you can find this for your book]

Sample Desbib (in progress--needs paper and type, and binding notes)

History of the church of Englande.

THE HISTORY OF | THE CHVRCH OF | ENGLANDE. | Compiled by Venerable Bede, | Englishman. | Translated out of Latin in to English by Thomas | Stapleton student in diuinite

 You being sometimes straungers and enemies in vnderstanding &c. He hath | now reconciled in the body of his fleshe through death &c. If yet ye conti | new grounded and stedfast in the Faith, and be not moued away from the hope | of the ghospell, which ye haue heard, which hath ben preached amonge all crea | tures vnder heauen.


[Set around oval compartment containing printer's mark, parable of sower and seed]

Imprinted at Antwerp by Iohn Laet, | at the signe of the Rape: with | Priuilege. Anno. 1565.
 4⁰:  *⁶ >⁴ / / ⁴ A-3C⁴, 4.    [14], 192, [4] leaves.

Contents: *v, E. R. God saue the Quene. [Set in square compartment with Royal coat of arms]; *2r-*3r, TO THE RIGHT EXCELLENT AND MOST GRATIOVSE PRINCESSE, ELIZABETH BY THE GRACE OF God Quene of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, Defendour of the Faith.;  *3v-||r, DIFFERENCES BE- | TWENE THE PRIMITIVE FAITHE OF | ENGLAND CONTINEVVED ALMOST THE- | se thousand yeres, and the late pretensed faith of pro- | testants; gathered out of the History of the Chur- | che of England compiled by Venerable Be- | de and English man, above DCCC. | yeares paste.; ||3-||4, 1-9v; THE PREFA- | CE TO THE RE- | ADER.; 10-11r; THE LIFE OF S. BEDE: | WRITEN BY TRITHEMIVS; 11r; BEDE TO THE READER.; 11v-12v; TO THE RIGHT HO- | NORABLE KING CEOLVL - | PHE BEDA THE SERAVNT | of Christe and Priest.; 13r-191v; Text; 192r-four unnumbered leaves; A TABLE OF THE | SPECIAL MATTERS, | The Figure signifieth the leaf. A. B. the | first and second side.; unnumbered fourth leaf v; Faultes escaped in Printing.
Running title reads: The history of the Chvrch of England.

Type: Roman with Italic type for contrasting matter and emphasis, and frequent use of long "s".


Translation of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum.
One of four English language recusant Catholic publications produced for English export by Laet in 1565, two by Stapleton.