Thoyts, The Key to the Family Deed Chest : How to
Decipher and Study Old Documents: Being a Guide to the Reading of Ancient
London: Elliott Stock, 1893,
chapters I
(1, "Hints to Beginners,"1-13), IV (4, "Old Deeds," 41-51), V (5, "Law
Technicalities," 52-69), the one-page chart of Arabic numerals on page 79,
IX (9, "Old Letters," 132-7), and XII (12, "Abbreviations, etc.," 138-43).
What kinds of professional writers or scribes wrote manuscripts that we might encounter
today? For what sorts of people did they write them?
2) As printers began supplying more and
more whole books between 1455 and the 1550s, to what kinds of other copying
tasks did scribes turn to feed themselves and their families?
Which kinds of things should one try to describe first when
learning to read a C16-17 legal document? Thoyts gives good,
sympathetic advice to the frustrated first-time paleographer (student
of old writing) confronted with a script that, at first, will not yield
its meaning.
4) How many "hands" of what kinds did most C16-17 writers have, and for what were they used?
(Arnie's Trick Question): What two famous canonical authors you know
well wrote the last stories or novellas to have scribes as their