The Title of the Document Should Be Centered

         The first paragraph begins here with a five-space indentation from the left margin which the machine instructs the line-printer to execute based on a "macro" pre-defined within the source code for Waterloo Script.  The users also could define their own macros, but most ordinary users stuck to the pre-defined limits.  All of this text would be printed as belonging to the paragraph because the computer would not encounter a period in the left margin unless a pre-defined command instruction followed it  like this which would create an underscored like this within the paragraph but no line break because the ".us" instruction did not tell the machine to skip a line.

        Time for a new paragraph, machine!  We're almost done.  But first, let's indent a block quote five spaces:

        The contents of the block quote would keep being formatted five spaces from the left margin of the main text until the "indent" instruction was turned off.

This is one way to do that.  Another is

The machine would ignore this one since it had no "indent" command in its memory. 

        Time to end this document.  When you saved this document and sent the file to the printer, it passed through the computer again and the Waterloo Script program read the ".xx;" codes as instructions only to the printer--all else was reproduced as ASCII text.  Unless, of course, you mistyped a command, even by as little as omitting the period in the left margin.  In such a case, the printer would be told to treat the "command" as ASCII text.  Much confusion resulted.  Click here to see the commands removed and the text fully processed for the printer.