Why did I choose to write my name in ASCII capitals?
Howard County Courthouse
It's traditional since the Romans invented "Roman characters" for monumental inscriptions.  This is a Roman "Capitalis Quadratus" inscription in the granite Greek Revival entablature below the pediment of the former Howard County Courthouse.  Note the way the "W" was formed, i.e., a "double-U," or "-V" since "V" was used for both the U and V sounds.  Hence the "Vs" in "COVRTHOVSE."  The early Roman character set also had no "J," using "I" instead for both the "I" and "J" sounds.  That is why there is no "J Street" between "I" and "K" streets in D.C.  Architects, like printers, were slow to adopt those newfangled inventions.  This would be one of those instances in our "archeology of text" in which an ancient artifact erupted into more modern strata near the surface of our "dig."