Final Research Projects--Fall 2013

Lee Cassagrande and Devorah Sperling-Billings: Editing the text of and creating a new manuscript copty of the Child Ballad, "Thomas Rhymer" based on the Rare Book Collection copy of the first edition of Sir Francis Child's  The English and Scottish popular ballads (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1892-8).

Julia Corrigan: analysis of Mino G. Nicolas' controversial resetting of dances by Doris Humphrey, based on materials in Goucher's Humphrey Archive.

Emily Fendler: the Mary Lee Keith (1924) Scrapbook, 1920-1925.scrapbook from the Goucher alumnae collection.

Michael Graff:  Goucher's copy of the fourth folio edition of Shakespeare's plays (PR2751 .A4 1685). 

Clare Kuntz: the H. L. Mencken and Sara Haardt Menken correspondence archive.

Kristen Shonborn: the "Dilhorne" manuscript cookbook.

Shayna Meisel: engravings from several successive editions of Pride and Prejudice, compared with the modern film visualization of Austen's characters and settings.

Alexander Peroutka-Barcia: the World War II German manuscript keepsake album.

Emily Salfity: the seventeenth-century indenture associated with the Pasby family.

Angela Sponsler: Winslow Archive collection of political memorabilia, especially presidential campaign buttons.  Would they reveal evidence of shifts to "negative campaigning"?  (Calvin Coolidge's campaign)

Phoebe Yeoh: bibliographic analysis of Pn2047 .B5 1719, Arthur Bedford's  A serious remonstrance in behalf of the Christian religion : against the horrid blasphemies and impieties which are still used in the English play-houses, to the great dishonour of almighty God, and in contempt of the statutes of this realm / Almost seven thousand instances, taken out of the plays of the present century, and especially of the five last years.   (London : Printed by John Darby, for Henry Hammond, Bath; [etc., etc.], 1719).