Middle English
A Basic Glossary of Odd Usages in Chaucer's
East Midlands (London) Middle English (____=ME; boldface=ModE) "(!)" potentially surprising to ModE readers
al although; also, as adj., all; as adv. wholly (al be he)
alday continually
alderbest best of all
algate in any case,at any rate
anoon immediately
atones at once
als as well as, also
bet better
bidden, bad, boden bid, pray, but also, command (!)
bihote promise (Cf. ModE "behest")
biknowen make known
blyve quickley
bountee goodness (NOT ModE "bounty")
brennen burn brent burnt
breyd moved suddenly, started
but if unless (introduces a verb: "But if he will...")
buxom obedient
can, kan, konne, koude be able, know how, know, learn
cas, caas chance, accident
certes certainly
clepen name, call (Cf. archaic ModE [OE] "yclept" for "called")
cheer, chiere face, expression, manner, mood
make chiere be friendly, show hospitality
conne, konne, can, coude know, be able (!); kowthe known (Cf. ModE "uncouth")
corage heart, desire
costage expense
coy quiet
daintee (n.) delight; (adj.) fine, spendid
daungerous distant, haughty
debonaire gracious, kindly
deemen judge, think, decide, suppose
del bit every deel, entirely (Cf. ModE "every bit")
defense prohibition, defense (!)
degree rank, social scale, condition
dressen prepare, equip, dress (!)
disease discomfort
drenchen drown (Cf. ModE "drench"); draynt, dreynt drowned
devyse devise, say, relate, describe
do doon do, cause, make; do make cause to be made (many other similar "do + ?" compounds occur)
eek also
em uncle (Cf. "Auntie Em, Auntie Em!"--nah, just kidding)
emforth to the extent of
er before
estate state, condition, rank, social standing
endelong along
estately deliberate, composed
falle befall, happen, fall (!)
fare go, behave, act, fare
faste close by, eagerly, fast (!)
fay faith
fere mate, companion; in fere together
feele many
ferre farther (N.B. more far, not "additionally" [which would be ModE "further"])
fin end (Cf. ModF "final")
for because of, in order that, despite, for (!)
fordoon spoil, destroy
fors matter, consequence; doon no fors pay no attention, not care
forthy therefore
forward promise
forwhy because
fre noble, gracious, large minded, liberal, free (!)
fro from
gan to did, began to (!)
glossen cheat, gloss, explain, interpret (!)
gruchen complain
gyse guise manner, way, fashion, custom
han have
hardy bold, sturdy; hardily assuredly, certainly
heeste promsise
hem them
her their, her (!!)
heten, hight be called, promise; Ich hight... My name is...
him thought it seemed to him, he thought (Cf. it meseemeth)
holden consider, hold (!)
honest honorable; honeste dignity, honor
hente seize, capture, take
ilke same (Cf. ModE idiom, "of that ilk")
it meseemeth it seems to me
jape joke, jest
kan know, be able, know how; koude knew, was able, knew how
keepe attention, heed
kynde nature (!)
lakken blame
large generous, big, broad (!) (Cf. ModE idiom, "large minded")
lat let
leeve, leve, lief dear;
leifer, rather
me were levere I would rather
legen lay
lemman lover, mistress
lese lose
leten hinder, prevent (!)
lite little
lough laughed (past of laughen)
like, liketh it pleases; it liketh me it pleases me, I wish
list t pleases; me list it pleases me, I wish
lust pleasure (NO NECESSARY SEXUAL IMPLICATION‑‑check context)
lusty hearty, healthy, vital, happy
maistow may you, you may
mede meadow, mead
meede reward, meed, payment, bribe (!)
mete food, dinner, meat (!)
meten (proun. "mee‑tan") dream; meten (proun. "maytan") meet
moten must, may, ought to; so mote I as I hope to
mowen, maist, may, might can, be able
namelich namely, especially
nas ne was
nere was not (ne were)
nice foolish, finicky
nolde would not (ne wolde)
nys is not (ne is)
nones occasion
noot knows not (ne woot); nyste knew not (ne wyste)
paramour lover, mistress
paraunter perchance
plainen complain (N.B. related to the poetic genre, ME "playnte")
prees crowd, press
play joke, tease, enjoy yourself, play (N.B. something adults do)
quaint strange, sly
quikke living, alive, lively, fast (!)
quite repay, requite
quod said
rathe early
rather sooner, rather (!)
rede advise, counsel (!); red, reed adj. red
right as, right so just as..., so
route company, retinue, crowd (Cf. ModE "rout")
routhe pity, ruth
sad steadfast, constant, committed (!NOT gloomy, unhappy!)
sauf safe
science knowledge, learning (not necessarily of natural world)
seistow do you see (seist thou)
seith says
sely innocent, unsophisticated, harmless, happy, fortunate (NOT ModE "silly")
sentence meaning, content, point, opinion
shende harm, ruin, spoil
shent harmed, ruined, spoiled
sik sigh
siker certain, sure, secure
sitthen since, after, because
skile reason, argument
smal delicate, graceful, trivial, little (!)
solas pleasure, delight (Cf. ModE "solas)
sooth truth (Cf. ModE "soothsayer")
soun sound
sounen resound
sounen into tend to produce, conduce to
spille kill
stente, stinte stop, cease
sterte start up, spring up, leap
subtle crafty, cunning, clever, subtle (!)
substance property, possessions, substance (!)
swich such
swinken work
swithe quickley
syn since
take give, take, receive (!!)
tene grief, vexation
there where, there (!)
thereto besides, also, moreover
tho then
thing contract, dead, thing (!)
thrift good luck, good management, prosperity;
thrifty decent, proper, excellent (Cf. ModE "to thrive")
trowen trust, believe
unkinde unnatural, unkind (kinde nature/natural)
unethe scarcely, with difficulty, not easily
usage custom, habit
vanitee futility, falsity (NOT ModE "vanity")
verray true, proper, veritable (i.e., the real thing, not ME "fals")
vertu power, strength, vitality, capacity, moral virtue (!)
viage journey, travel (ModE [nautical] "voyage")
vilainye crudity, discourtesy, slander, shameful speech, evil (!)
vitaille food, provisions (Cf. ModE archaic, "vittles")
waiten watch, wait for an opportunity, wait (!)
waiven avoid, withdraw, waive
wanten lack, desire (!)
war aware, wary; be war take warning, beware
wax become, grow (used now of moon increasing in size)
wele prosperity, well being, good fortune, joy
wighte creature
will desire, will (!)
wis wise; wis or wisley adv., surely
witen, woot, woost, wiste know (vs ME."kan" as "to know as "to be able, to have knowledge to control)
wit intelligence, knowledge (NOT ModE "wit" [humor] or C18 "wit" [cleverness])
withoute drede undoubtedly ("no doubt")
wombe stomach (!)
wont custom, habit (Cf. ModE idiom, "as is his wont")
what why, what (!)
wher whether, where (!)
whilom once, once upon a time, formerly
wood crazy, mad
wreken avenge
wroth angry
yaf gave
y‑ prefixed to verb = past participle (yclept= named)
y‑bore, yborne carried, borne
ye (pron. "yee"); eye yen (pron. yee‑en) eyes
yfere together
yiven give
ynough, ynowe enough
yvele evil
ywis to be sure, certainly
yerne eagerly
Aids in Guessing:
"Y" often is substituted for the ModE long "i" sound, as in "whyte," but remember ME sounds the "i" vowel as "ee"
Try reversing an "r+vowel" to "vowel+r": e.g., thrist = thirst
Try reversing e for i and vise versa
Try reversing e for a and vice versa
Try reversing oa for o, or f for v, or th for d (fader=father), or ea for e (grete=great), or o for e (pref=proof)
To Know for Sure:
The Oxford English Dictionary (click to go to the Library databases and use the online version, or see the print copy at 423 M98 1989) will give chronologically organized (oldest to newest) usages for a wide range of surviving Middle English words. Note that spelling will have been regularized so you may have to adopt the "Guessing" rules listed above.
For words beginning in “A” to those beginning with “Wel,” the Middle English Dictionary (427.02 M62 Reference) is the authoritative, comprehensive source for usage examples which may provide a definition for any individual usage we encounter. The dictionary was published in "fasicles," bunches of contiguous pages, as the entries for each letter are completed by scholars working at University of Michigan.
In all cases, your first strategy should be: read difficult passages aloud, fully articulating the vowels, and listen to yourself.