John Gower, Confessio Amantis, ca. 1390-93

2.1054: This ladi with hire yonge Sone:
2.1055: And thanne hire handes to the hevene
2.1056: Sche strawhte, and with a milde stevene
2.1057: Knelende upon hire bare kne
2.1058: Sche seide, "O hihe mageste,
2.1059: Which sest the point of every trowthe,
2.1060: Tak of thi wofull womman rowthe
2.1061: And of this child that I schal kepe."

2.1062: And with that word sche gan to wepe,
2.1063: Swounende as ded, and ther sche lay;
2.1064: Bot he which alle thinges may
2.1065: Conforteth hire, and ate laste
2.1066: Sche loketh and hire yhen caste
2.1067: Upon hire child and seide this:
2.1068: "Of me no maner charge it is
2.1069: What sorwe I soffre, bot of thee
2.1070: Me thenkth it is a gret pite,
2.1071: For if I sterve thou schalt deie:
2.1072: So mot I nedes be that weie
2.1073: For Moderhed and for tendresse
2.1074: With al myn hole besinesse
2.1075: Ordeigne me for thilke office,
2.1076: As sche which schal be thi Norrice."

2.1077: Thus was sche strengthed forto stonde;
2.1078: And tho sche tok hire child in honde
2.1079: And yaf it sowke, and evere among
2.1080: Sche wepte, and otherwhile song
2.1081: To rocke with hire child aslepe:
2.1082: And thus hire oghne child to kepe
2.1083: Sche hath under the goddes cure.