Frontiers 100.001 New Watch Presentation Schedule

            Everyone will stand eight more watches, which will get us to the end of the semester with everyone having shouldered the same proportion of the load.  Nobody will present with the same person two times in a row, but sometimes you will do two in a row in this new schedule.  Then you will have two off to recharge your batteries and upload some of what you presented to your web site. 


Week 8—Warner, Beautiful Swimmers

Mon.  Chris M and Chris A

Wed. Jeremy and Lizzie

Fri.  Lizzie and Chris A


Week 9— Warner, Beautiful Swimmers

Mon. Chris M and Jeremy

Wed. Jeremy and Chris A (Frontiers buys lunch.)

Fri. web-writing workshop.  Have your web writing for Barrett and Warner ready for me to read by the following Tuesday.


Week 10—Aebi, Maiden Voyage

Mon. Chris A and Lizzie

Wed. Jeremy and Chris M

Fri.  Jeremy and Lizzie


Week 11—Aebi, Maiden Voyage

Mon.  Lizzie and Chris A

Wed. Chris A and Chris M

Fri.  Chris M and Jeremy


Week 12—Aebi, Maiden Voyage

Mon. Jeremy and Lizzie

Wed. Lizzie and Chris A (Frontiers buys lunch.)

Fri. web-writing workshop.   Have your web-writing on Aebi ready for me to read by the following Tuesday.


Week 13—Sterling, Schizmatrix

Mon. Chris A and Chris M

Wed.-Sun. Thanksgiving Vacation


Week 14— Sterling, Schizmatrix

Mon.  Chris M. and Jeremy

Wed. Jeremy and Lizzie

Fri. Chris A and Chris M  (Frontiers buys lunch.)


Week 15—Home Port

Mon. web-writing workshop.  Work on finishing things you left undone earlier in the semester, and making connections between the things you read.  Especially, consider adding some hyperlinks among your notes when your “voyage” crosses its own path in another reading.  I will read the web sites, including edited portions of your previous work (if you give me a list of major changes), on Monday of next week.

Wed.  Last day of class—looking back and looking ahead; course evaluations; sharing what we’ve learned with each other and with the world.