Bibliographic Search Instruction 

"Follow the money." Mark Felt, AKA "Deep Throat"

Search Engines:    Pop/Com (Ad-Results, "Pushed" ads)      Pop/Scholarly (tuition)        Scholarly (tuition)

                                 Google, Yahoo, DogPile                     Ebsco, WilsonWeb, Infotrack                JSTOR   OLLI

Databases:  Maker-submitted + "bots"/"spiders"         Pop. & Scholarly Pub indices          Peer-rev. field indices

Search Strategies:

              Keyword (anywhere), Advanced (Boolean)    Advanced AU/TI/KW/Subject    Advanced AU/TI/KW/Subject 

 The Ladder of Expertise--using intermediary scholarly dictionaries and encyclopedias to build your ability to read original scholarly research.   Report Structure--for your conference on Friday, you should have made serious written progress on at least parts 1 and 2.

Research Project Q and A from Previous Students--before you ask, read this and see if they have not anticipated your question.