English 105 Independent Research Project Conference

Participant Information Form


Participant Information Form Due Date: by 8:00 AM, Tuesday, 4/28/2015

Conference Presentations: Tuesday, 4/28 and Thursday 4/30


Presentation Title:


Presenter’s Name:



[Department or departments in which research was conducted, Goucher College]


If you are proposing a presentation, you must check the following:


___  I confirm that I will deliver this paper in person within the 10-minute time limit.


Audio-Visual Equipment


___  I do not need any AV equipment.


___  Data projector for Internet-based supporting materials.


___  Programs running on host computer (circle all that apply): Excel, PowerPoint, Word, PowerDVD, Other (specify).


___  Whiteboard with markers.


___  Other equipment (specify):



Other requirements: