"Morte" Proper "moneth of May" Transition


“thys season hit befelle in the moneth of May a grete angur and unhapp<e> that stynted nat tylle the floure of chyvalry of [alle] the worlde was destroyed and slayne and all was longe uppon  two unhappy knyghtis whych were named sir Aggravayne and sir Mordred that were brethirn unto sir Gawayne for thys sir Aggravayne and sir Mordred had ever a prvy hate unto the quene dame Gwenyver and to sir Launcelot and dayly and nyghtly they ever wacched uppon sir Launcelot” (449r-v/1161). 



For as the Freynshhe booke seyth the quene and sir Launcelot were togydirs and whether they were abed other at other maner of disportis me lyste nat thereof make no mencion for love that tyme was nat as love ys nowadayes” (451v/1165).