Goucher Chem Club.
The Chem Club is the oldest student organization in continuous existence on the Goucher Campus. The creators of the Chem Club must have intended to mix the academic side of the department with the social side because they established the traditional Chem Club Banquet well over sixty years ago. All majors, former chemistry majors, faculty and administration are invited. Topics for the lecture, which usually follows the banquet, have covered a wide range of topics over the years. The lectures, frequently given by Goucher graduates, are always well received by those attending.
What we do.
The Chem Club sponsors a variety of activities in addition to the annual Chem club Banquet. In the past, these have included National Chemistry Week activities informing the campus of the importance of chemistry in their lives; the Careers in Science Day; and social events (with or without an excuse) such as the Soup and Bread Super Supper, spring and fall picnics, a tennis tournament/party, and pre-vacation surprise parties.
"Better living through chemistry."