Goucher Chemistry Headlines.
October 24, 2013
The hugely popular annual souper supper hosted by the chemistry department will be taking place at 4PM in HS223. The faculty members make you dinner! Come enjoy some hot soup and good conversations with friends and chemistry faculty / staff. It is always a great event with great food.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Feeling stressed at the end of the semeser? Want to blow off some steam by smashing stuff? Why not break stuff chemistry style?? We'll freeze random things in liquid nitrogen and then smash them outside. Come join us.
Meet on Monday at 2PM in the chemistry breezeway.
Friday, December 9, 2011 at 1PM in Hoffberger 223
Senior Research Presentation by Ann Ploskonka
"Efforts towards the construction of spirocyclic ethers and spirocyclic amines."
October 22, 2011
Our own Kat Flanagan won first prize for her poster presentation at the Mid-Atlantic region Research Symposium hosted by UMBC. Congrats Kat!
UMBC Research Symposium
"Better living through chemistry."