Final Exam Study Aid: Second-Half of Semester Authors and Works in Order by Birth Year

PERIOD--Early Modern English, or Elizabethan (to 1603) or Jacobean (1603-1625) or Stuart (1603-1649).

QUEEN ELIZABETH I (1533-1603)  “The Doubt of Future Foes,” “On Monsieur’s Departure,” “Speech to the Troops at Tilbury,” and The “Golden Speech”  (MS circulation of the poems limited to court insiders, but "Doubt" published 1589; Tilbury speech MS circulated in 1588, published 1752)

SIR WALTER RALEGH (1552-1618) "The Lie" (c.1592); "The discovery of the large, rich, and beautiful Empire of Guiana" (published by Ralegh in 1595 to promote his schemes for colonizing the New World)

MARY (SIDNEY) HERBERT, COUNTESS OF PEMBROKE (1562-1621) "To the Angel Spirit of the Most Excellent Sir Philip Sidney"; Psalm 52; Psalm 139.  (MS circulation for up to 30 years; published posthumously 1625)

AEMILIA LANYER (1569-1645) Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum: excerpt, "Eve's Apology in Defense of Women" (published by Lanyer, 1611)

JOHN DONNE (1572-1631) Songs and Sonnets (most were probably in MS circulation as they were written from about 1592; published posthumously 1633)

BEN JONSON (1572-1637) Volpone (1605-6; produced in early 1606 by the King's Company [formerly Lord Chamberlain's], in which Shakespeare was an actor and writer; published by Jonson in his Works, 1616, also the year Shakespeare and Cervantes died)

LADY MARY WROTH (1587?-1651?) The Countess of Montgomery's Urania (MS circulation perhaps years earlier; published by Wroth in 1621)

ROBERT HERRICK (1591-1674) Hesperides and Noble Numbers (MS circulation at least 10 or more years earlier; published by Herrick in 1648)

GEORGE HERBERT (1593-1633) The Temple (MS circulation several years earlier [Donne writes two poems to Herbert in GH's style]; published posthumously in 1633)

PERIOD--Modern English, or Parliamentary/Puritan Revolution (1642-9); Protectorate and Commonwealth (1649-60); Restoration (1660-88); "Bloodless" Revolution and Early Eighteenth-Century (1688-1700)

JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) Paradise Lost (August 1667, first published in 10 books; 1674, revised edition pubished divided into 12 books)

LUCY HUTCHINSON (1620-after 1675): Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson.  (Written after her husband's death in 1668.  Published in 1806.)

ANDREW MARVELL (1621-1678) Miscellaneous Poems (probably written between his first years at Cambridge, around 1635, and his death in 1678, but published by a woman claiming to be his wife in 1681)

LADY ANNE HALKETT (1622-1699) Memoirs (probably written in the late 1670s; published 1875)

JOHN DRYDEN (1631-1700) "Annus Mirabilis" (1666); The Essay of Dramatic Poesy (1668); "The Author's Apology for Heroic Poetry and Heroic Licsnse" (preface of State of Innocence, a never-performed opera based on Paradise Lost, 1677); MacFlecnoe (written 1678-9; published without Dryden's permission in 1682); "A Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire" (part of preface to translations of Juvenal and Persius, 1693); "Preface" (to Fables Ancient and Modern, 1700)

APHRA BEHN (1640?-1689) Oroonoko (written and published by Behn in 1688)

JOHN WILMOT, SECOND EARL OF ROCHESTER (1647-1680) "The Disabled Debauchee" and other web-linked poems especially “Upon Nothing” and “Satyre Against Mankind” (c. 1660-1680; some poems in print, but the "naughty bits" were only in MS circulation until the 1960s!)

ANNE FINCH, COUNTESS OF WINCHILSEA (1661-1720)  "Introduction" and "A Nocturnal Reverie" from Miscellany Poems on Several Occasions (written 1689?, Miscellany published by Finch in 1713 but without the "Introduction" which was discovered and reprinted in 1903)

MATHEW PRIOR (1664-1721)  "An Epitaph," "A True Maid," and "A Better Answer" from Poems Upon Several Occasions (published by Prior in 1718)

MARY ASTELL (1666-1731)  Some Reflections Upon Marriage (1700)

JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745)  "A Description of a City Shower" (1710); "A Modest Proposal" (1729)

LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU (1689-1762)  "The Lover: A Ballad" (written 1747, MS circulation until the 1970s), "Epistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her Husband" (written 1724, published 1972)

WILLIAM CONGREVE (1670-1729) The Way of the World (1700)

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